Privacy and Cookie Policy

Who is responsible for processing your personal data?

Data controller


Name and Surname of the Data Processor

Nicola Galante

Type of Data Collected

Your privacy is important to us. We would like to inform you that this Website collects various data, independently or through third parties. Among these data there are: Cookies, Usage data, name, surname, telephone number, email.

Details on the types of data collected are provided later in this privacy policy or through specific information texts displayed before completing the various forms. Personal Data may be freely provided by the User or, in the case of Usage Data, collected automatically while browsing the site. Unless otherwise specified, all the Data requested are mandatory. If the User refuses to communicate them, it may be impossible to provide the requested Service. In cases where this Website indicates some Data as optional, Users are free to refrain from communicating such Data, without this having any consequence on the availability of the Service or on its operation. Users who have doubts about which Data are mandatory are encouraged to contact the Owner. Any use of Cookies – or other tracking tools – by this Website or by the owners of third-party services used by this Website, unless otherwise specified, has the purpose of providing the Service requested by the User, in addition to the additional purposes described in this document and in the Cookie Policy, to which reference is made.

The User assumes responsibility for the Personal Data of third parties obtained, published or shared through this Website and guarantees that he has the right to communicate or disseminate them, freeing the Owner from any liability towards third parties.

Place and procedure for the processing of the collected Data


All data collected is stored in secure facilities by the Data Controller to which only authorized persons have access. For more information, please contact the Owner. When Personal Data is transferred to a country other than that of the User to be processed by third parties, the User has the right to obtain more information on the place where the Data is processed and, on the measures, adopted by the Data Protection Controller the User has as reference the section relating to the details on the processing of Personal Data.

For the transfer of data outside the European Union, please refer to the relevant sections of this document. The User can always request information from the Owner.

Duration of treatment

The data collected is always kept for the duration strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which it is collected and is not disseminated.

The Data collected can also be kept for longer periods when the User gives consent to the Processing and until this consent is revoked or when it is necessary to comply with a legal obligation or by order of an authority. With reference to a contract between the Owner and the User, the Data is kept until the contract is fully executed. As regards the Data collected solely for purposes attributable to the legitimate interest, these are kept until the satisfaction of this interest. In any case, the User can contact the Owner to obtain more information regarding the legitimate interest or refer to the relevant section of this document.

Once the retention period has expired, the Personal Data will be deleted and it will no longer be possible to access it or exercise any transfer right.

How and where is your data processed?

The Data Controller employs security measures necessary to prevent Personal Data from being improperly disclosed by preventing unapproved access, modification or destruction. Personal Data is processed with telematic and IT tools. Security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit use, disclosure and unauthorized access. It may happen that the Data Controller appoints other subjects as Data Processors in cases where necessary. These subjects may be directly involved, for example commercial, marketing, administration, legal or external subjects such as third-party service providers, hosting providers, communication agencies, postal couriers. The Data Controller must always have an updated list of these subjects if requested.

What is the legal basis of the treatment?

The legitimate interest of the Data Controller or of third parties constitutes the legal basis for the processing of the Data

The User’s Data is processed by the Owner only when the User has given consent for the processing for one or more purposes. For the execution of the contract with the User and/or the execution of pre-contractual information obligations, for the fulfillment of a legal obligation, for the execution of a task of public interest or for the exercise of public powers of which it is invested the Owner.

The User also has the right to request information from the Data Controller at any time on the concrete legal basis of each treatment and ask to specify whether the treatment is based on the law or if provided for by a contract or if it is necessary to conclude a contract.

Purpose of the Treatment

What is the purpose of data processing?

You must know that the Data is collected by the Owner so that it can provide its Services. In addition to this there are other purposes such as: hosting and backend infrastructure, statistics, contact management and sending messages, tag management, SPAM protection, platform services and hosting.

For further and more detailed information, refer to the relevant section.

Contact form

Once you have filled in the Contact Form with your Personal Data (name, surname, e-mail, telephone number, etc.) you automatically give your consent to the processing of your Data which will be used to send quotes, requests for information or sending information of any other nature indicated in the form.

Phone number

If you provide your telephone number, you may be contacted by telephone for commercial and/or promotional activities connected to this website or to request information relating to the quality of the services offered.

Aruba hosting

For the functioning of this website, we use Hosting services on external servers and management platforms that allow us to update the contents and save your personal data.

It is not always possible to determine exactly the geographical place where the data is processed, as the servers can be geographically located in different places due to technical choices that do not depend in any way on the Data Controller, but are controlled by the service providers of housing and hosting.


Google Analytics service with anonymous IP

Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. Google uses the Personal Data collected, Usage data and Cookies, for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this site. Google Analytics offers an integrative service with anonymized IP. This integration of Google Analytics makes your IP address anonymous. This Service consists in shortening the IP address of Users within the European Union or in external countries but which have in any case adhered to the agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the IP address be sent to a Google server and shortened in the USA. The Data is processed in the United States – Privacy Policy – ​​Opt Out.

WordPress stats

The WordPress Statistics Service is provided by the Automatic Inc. Company and collects Usage and Cookie data.

Personal Data is processed in the United States. – Privacy Policy.

Spam protection service Google reCAPTCHA

reCAPTCHA is a free service that protects this website from spam and abuse. The service, provided by Google Inc, uses advanced risk analysis techniques to distinguish between humans and robots.

For more information on data collection and cookies, consult the Google Privacy Policy and terms of use.

The data is processed in the United States – Privacy Policy. Subject adhering to the Privacy Shield.

WordPress platform

WordPress is a CSM (Content Management System) platform provided by Automattic Inc on which this site is hosted. It is a free platform that provides us with easy-to-use tools that allow us to manage comments, user registrations, payment processing and much more. All information will be saved in a database including your Personal Data.

To monitor which Personal Data is collected, we advise you to consult the Privacy Policy of the Service.

The Data is processed in the United States – Privacy Policy.

Google Fonts

Google Font is a service managed by Google Inc. It is an interactive web directory that allows you to view the contents of this site. The service collects traffic data relating to the pages in which it is installed, this means that, if you, the user, have not installed the same service, it can still keep track of your data if you browse this website.

For the type of data that is collected, we recommend consulting the page relating to the Privacy Policy of this service.

The Data is processed in the United States – Privacy Policy. Subject adhering to the Privacy Shield.

Google Maps

Google Maps is a service provided by Google Inc. which allows this Website to search and display geographical maps. The service collects Personal Usage Data and Cookies.

The Data is processed in the United States – Privacy Policy. Subject adhering to the Privacy Shield

Rights of the concerned

The User, as an interested party, may contact the Data Controller, at any time, to assert his rights.

The User as an interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him and has the right to obtain:

– indication of the origin of the personal data; of the purposes and methods of the treatment; of the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; of the identification details of the owner, of the managers and of the designated representative; of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated.

– the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed; the integration or rectification of data.

The User as an interested party has the right to object:

– for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning him for the purpose of sending advertising material or direct sales or to carry out market research through communication tools that this Site uses to manage relations with the end User’s market. The User, as an interested party, can at any time make a complaint to the competent data protection supervisory authority and revoke the consent to data processing.

Additional Information

Specific information

This Site could provide the User, upon his request, with additional information to that contained in the Privacy Policy concerning the Services in particular.

Log files collected

Log Files are documents found on servers and collect information on implicit and explicit activities relating to the User’s IP and which therefore may contain Personal Data.

“Do Not Track” requests

If the User does not accept the Cookie Policy, he will not be able to browse this Site.

Defense in court

The Data Controller may be obliged to disclose User Data if they serve in court to defend this Site from the accusation of abuse of use of User Data.

Information not contained in this policy

The User may, at any time, request the Owner for further information regarding the Personal Data collected not contained in the Policies.

Changes to this privacy policy

This Site has updated its Privacy Policy as required by the GDPR. In any case, the Data Controller reserves the right to modify the Privacy Policy at any time by communicating it to Users via email or through any other contact provided by the User or simply through this Site if the modification does not require the User’s consent. It is therefore advisable to always have as a reference the date of the last modification at the bottom of this page.


Cookie policy

This Cookie Policy is intended to illustrate the types and categories of cookies, the purposes and methods of use on this site, as well as to provide information to users about the actions to refuse or delete the cookies present.

This Cookie Policy is an integral part of the Privacy Policy pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and subsequent amendments and additions. The user can exercise the rights provided by the art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03, using the contact details on the site, while to change the cookie settings you can proceed by following the instructions in this Cookie Policy.

The user can express his consent to the use of cookies by clicking on the “ACCEPT ALL” button of the brief information visible at every first access, as required by the provision of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data (n. 229 of 8 May 2014)

About Cookies?

Cookies consist of portions of code (computer files or partial data) sent by a server to the user’s Internet browser, automatically memorized by said browser on the user’s computer and automatically sent back to the server at each occurrence or subsequent access to the site. A cookie usually contains the name of the website from which the cookie comes, the life span of the cookie (i.e. how long it will remain on the user’s device) and a value, which is usually a unique number generated randomly. On each subsequent visit, the cookies are sent back to the website that originated them (first-party cookies) or to another site that recognizes them (third-party cookies). Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognize the user’s device and have various purposes such as, for example, allowing you to navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your favorite sites and, in general, improving the browsing experience. They also help ensure that the advertising content displayed online is more relevant to a user and his interests.

If the user decides to disable cookies, this could influence and/or limit his browsing experience within the site, for example he may not be able to visit certain sections or he may not receive personalized information when necessary.

How do cookies work and how do you delete them?

The operating modes as well as the options to limit or block cookies can be adjusted by changing the settings of your internet browser. The majority of internet browsers are initially set to accept cookies automatically; however, the user can change these settings to block cookies or to be warned whenever cookies are sent to his device. There are different ways to manage cookies, for this purpose it is necessary to refer to the instruction manual or to the help screen of your browser to check how to adjust or change the settings of the same. In fact, the user is enabled to change the default configuration and disable cookies (i.e., block them definitively), setting the highest level of protection.

Below is the path to follow to manage cookies from the following browsers:





If the user uses different devices to view and access the sites (for example, computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), he must make sure that each browser on each device is adjusted to reflect his cookie preferences. To delete cookies from the Internet browser of your smartphone/tablet, refer to the device user manual.

What types and categories of cookies does this site use?

This website uses technical cookies and third-party cookies. Profiling cookies are NOT used in any way for commercial or advertising purposes. Cookies can also be used to speed up future experiences and user activities on the site. Furthermore, cookies are used to compile anonymous aggregate statistics that allow us to understand how users use the site to improve its structure and content.

Below is an explanatory list.

Technical cookies

“Technical” cookies are essential for the correct functioning of the site and allow users to browse and exploit its characteristics (for example, they allow memorizing previous actions or allow saving the user’s session and/or carrying out other strictly necessary for the functioning of the Site).

This category also includes “analytical” cookies that help us understand how users interact with the site by providing information relating to the last page visited, the number of sections and pages visited, the time spent on the site and each event that has emerged in the course of navigation, such as an error message, and help to understand every difficulty that the user encounters in using the site. This information may be associated with user details such as IP address, domain or browser; however, they are analyzed together with information from other users so as not to identify a particular user from another. These cookies are collected and aggregated anonymously and allow you to improve the performance of the site.

Finally, “functionality” cookies allow the site to remember the user’s choices (for example the user name) to provide the latter with more personalized and optimized navigation. Functional cookies are not essential for the site to function, but they improve its quality and browsing experience. If you do not accept these cookies, the site’s performance and functionality may be reduced and access to the site’s contents may be limited.

Third party cookies

When a user uses this website, some cookies that are not controlled by the system administrator may be stored. This happens, for example, if the user visits a page that contains content from a third-party website. Consequently, the user will receive cookies from these third-party services. We do not have control over third-party cookies nor access to such data. This information is fully controlled by third-party companies, as described in their respective privacy policies.

The table below shows the third-party cookies present on the site. The latter fall under the direct and exclusive responsibility of the third-party manager and are divided into the following macro-categories:

Analytical: these are cookies used to collect and analyze statistical information on accesses/visits to the website. In some cases, associated with other information such as the credentials entered for access to restricted areas (your e-mail address and password), they can be used to profile the user (personal habits, visited sites, downloaded content, types of interactions made, etc.). Google Analytics

If the user does not wish to receive third-party cookies on his device, he can access the information and consent forms of these third parties and exclude their receipt.

These cookies are not controlled directly by the site, therefore, to revoke the consent it is necessary to refer to the websites of third parties or refer to the site to obtain information on how to delete or manage cookies in based on the browser used and to manage preferences on third-party profiling cookies.